Timetable Options
- Half Day: 8:00h - 12:30h .............................................270€/Month (playschool material and insurance included)
- Full Day: 8:00h - 16:00h ..............................................390€/Month (playschool material, insurance and lunch included)
- Half Day (3 days a week): 8:00h - 12:30h ....................250€/Month (playschool material and insurance included)
- Full Day (3 days a week): 8:00h - 15:30h .....................350€/Month (playschool material, insurance and lunch included)
- Extra Hours as needed (to be booked in advanced) ......10€/Hour (playschool material and insurance included)
- Registration Fee (once-off payment) ............................50€ (Once-off payment to secure place)
* These prices are based on a Monday to Friday attendance and include all materials used as well as playschool insurance. For specific timetable options outside of the previously mentioned, please contact us at Tiny Town Academy so that we can advise you of the best rate options available for you.